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New Minnesota DWI Law Closes Loophole Involving Off-Road Driving Privileges


As of August 1, 2018, new DWI legislation is now in effect throughout the state of Minnesota. Under the new law, individuals convicted of Driving While Intoxicated (DWI), will suffer consequences affecting their ability to operate both a highway vehicle as well as off-road vehicles (ex. ATVs, snowmobiles, and motorboats).

The new law, known as “Little Alan’s Law,” was passed in response to a fatal accident in January in which an 8-year-old boy was struck and killed by a snowmobile. At the time of the crash, the snowmobile operator’s driver’s license had been revoked due to prior DWI convictions.

The law comes in an effort to close the loophole that previously allowed motorists convicted of DWI in a highway vehicle to keep their off-road driving privileges. Now, in addition to the driver’s license revocation affecting highway vehicle driving privileges, motorists will also face the following consequences:

  • Drivers convicted of DWI, in any vehicle, will be prohibited from operating their off-road vehicles for one year.
  • Drivers convicted of DWI, in any vehicle, will be prohibited from operating a motorboat for a 90-day period between May 1 and October 31.
  • Drivers who refuse chemical testing, in any vehicle, will be prohibited from operating a motorboat for one year.
  • Drivers who fail to abide by the new law and operate off-road vehicles after a DWI conviction can face additional criminal charges.

Minnesota’s new DWI law illustrates the heightened focus law enforcement and prosecutors have placed on impaired driving, and now expands existing laws to cover a broader range of vehicles. At Caplan & Tamburino Law Firm, P.A., our Minneapolis DWI lawyers have extensive experience representing clients charged with all types of DWIs. We are prepared to assist anyone who is facing DWI charges in any type of vehicle.

If you would like to discuss a potential DWI case with an award-winning defense attorney from our team, contact us for a FREE consultation.
