Jake Patterson has been accused of kidnapping teenager Jayme Closs and murdering both of her parents on October 15th, 2018. The story shocked communities throughout Wisconsin and across the United States. Today, he waived his right to a preliminary hearing, which would have been used to establish the probable cause needed to advance with a prosecution.
Attorney Joe Tamburino of Caplan & Tamburino Law Firm, P.A. in Minneapolis is not surprised that Patterson waived the hearing to expedite the criminal proceedings. Only days before, Attorney Tamburino spoke with WCCO Chanel 4 about the preliminary hearing. Within his interview, he predicted that Patterson and his counsel were well aware of how much information about the kidnapping-murder case was already circulating through the public and newsgroups. The “overwhelming evidence,” as he put it, surely guaranteed a judge would establish probable cause and schedule a trial. Attorney Tamburino is not associated with the Patterson case but was tapped by WCCO Chanel 4 due to his legal experience and insight into high-profile criminal defense cases.
Patterson chose to admit there was enough evidence for probable cause, but he did not admit to any guilt for the kidnapping of Jayme and the murder of her parents. The judge ordered a trial and an arraignment date on March 27th, 2019. At this time, it is not known how Patterson intends to plead. It is possible his defense counsel could attempt a plea deal since he did not admit to guilt during the waived hearing.
To learn more about the ongoing Patterson-Closs kidnapping-murder case, you can click here to view a full article from WCCO Chanel 4.
If you would like to know more about Caplan & Tamburino Law Firm, P.A. and our work as Minneapolis criminal defense attorneys, please feel free to contact us at any time. Attorney Joseph Tamburino is Board Certified Criminal Law Specialists, a title held by only 3% of all attorneys. You know you can trust us with your case. Call (612) 444-5020 to schedule a FREE consultation