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Caplan & Tamburino Law Firm, P.A. Settles Dog Bite Accident Case for $75,000.00


Last January, while at her friend’s home, a teenage girl suffered serious injuries after a dog jumped on her, attacked her, and bit her upper left arm in several places. As a result, the young girl suffered physical pain, scarring, several stitches, and emotional distress. Our team of Minneapolis lawyers took her case and thoroughly prepared the case for potential litigation.

To ensure we formed the strongest case on behalf of our client, we scheduled several meetings with her, met and spoke with potential witnesses, gathered medical evidence, assessed therapy evidence, obtained expert medical advice, and steadfastly negotiated with the insurance company.

The results proved to be a success. Our client and her family were pleased with our dedication to her case as well as the results. In addition, our team is completely satisfied with the results as we were able to recover financial compensation totaling $75,000.00.

In Need of Legal Advocacy? Call Us Today.

In every case, we strive to recover maximum monetary compensation in order to protect the rights and futures of those who have sustained serious injuries. We understand that dog bite injuries can leave a person suffering extensive pain, medical bills, and rehabilitation, and that is why we stand ready to fight for the rights of dog bite accident victims.

If you or someone you love has been bitten by a dog and has suffered injuries as result, we urge you to call our Minneapolis dog bite lawyers right away. Our record of excellence speaks for itself!
